29 de outubro de 2007

Hotel/ albergue/ homestay

Tropicana Suite Hotel (Hotel com Pagamento mensal)
1361 Robson Street,Vancouver, British Columbia
V6E 1C6 Tel: 604.687.6631 Fax: 604.687.5724

Pesquisa de HomeStay:

Pesquisa de albergues, campings, etc...no brasil e no mundo





Altamente recomendado por mim o Canadiana backpacker em Toronto e o SameSun em vancouver.

26 de outubro de 2007


Tendo em vista segurança e a praticidade dos chamados travelers cheques, indicamos o mesmo como a melhor e mais barata alternativa para se levar dinheiro quando em viagem para o Canada.
Evidente que sempre recomendaremos tambem a compra de dolares canadenses, em especie, em pequeno valor , para as primeiras necessidades como pagamento de taxi, de onibus, de um lanche no aeroporto etc. (possível comprar até no Banco Safra, no Aeroporto de Guarulhos, desde que previamente agendada a compra por telefone)


Para mais informações, contate seu Gerente Safra, ou através dos telefones abaixo: Departamento de Câmbio Turismo (11) 3175-8267 / 3175-8925 /3175-7849. Agencia Cumbica (Aeroporto internacional de Guarulhos SP) (11)6413-8100. Posto Galeco (Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro) (21) 3398-2030. Central de Atendimento Safra (11) 3253-4455 (Grande SP) 0800.015.1234 (Outras Localidades) Agencias onde o CambioTurismo Safra esta disponivel: Em Sao Paulo Alphaville, Angilica, Barco, Berrini, Bras, Einstein, Itaim, Santo Amaro,Tatuapi e Trianon. No Rio de Janeiro Barra da Tijuca, Candelaria e Ipanema. Em Salvador Agencia Salvador e Agjncia Iguatemi. Em Brasilia Agencia Brasilia

Disponiveis em sete moedas (dólar dos EUA, libra esterlina, franco suiço, iene japonês, dólar canadense, dólar australiano e euro) os American ExpressTravelers Cheques são aceitos em mais de 150 países. Em caso de perda ou roubo o usuario conta com a garantia e segurança do reembolso. Além disso, como não possuem data de validade, podem ser trocados a qualquer momento, sem risco de perda para o consumidor. CUIDADOS A SEREM TOMADOS : É muito facil usar os American Express Travelers Cheques. Basta assina-los no canto superior esquerdo, assim que forem adquiridos. Para você ficar protegido em caso de perda ou roubo dos Travelers Cheques,assegure-se de anotar seus números de série e guardar ambos separadamente e em local seguro.
Os American Express Travelers Cheques são aceitos em varios países do mundo e também podem ser trocados por moeda local sem taxas ou comissão em diversas instituições financeiras parceiras. Para encontrar o local mais próximo de você, selecione abaixo a região onde se encontra.Você estará acessando um banco de dados internacional da American Express e por isso algumas informações estarão em inglês. LOCAIS:
CHEQUES "FOR TWO " PEOPLE : São perfeitos para pessoas viajando acompanhadas: somente uma das pessoas precisa comprar, mas as duas pessoas podem utiliza-los,estando juntas ou não . Além disso, oferecem toda a conveniência e segurança dos tradicionais American Express Travelers Cheques. Os Cheques "for Two" estão disponíveis em dólares americanos
Cartão de Crédito

Hoje o cartão é, provavelmente, o meio mais seguro e prático de se pagar contas no exterior. Praticamente todos os estabelecimentos aceitam esta forma de pagamento, mas ao contrário do Brasil, não existe o parcelamento dos gastos. Em muitos estabelecimentos como hotéis e locadoras de carros eles são imprescindíveis, pois servem de caução e garantia para a empresa.
Outra vantagem do cartão é a segurança, pois em caso de perda e extravio além de ser possível o seu bloqueio, as operadoras normalmente conseguem repô-lo em pouco tempo, entregando um novo cartão diretamente em seu hotel.
Existem, ainda, empresas como a Cotação, que fornecem cartões de rendimento. São cartões, como por exemplo, o Visa TravelMoney, internacionais, pré-pagos e recarregáveis que podem ser utilizados tanto para saques como para compras como se você um cartão de crédito normal. Desta forma você saberá exatamente quanto possui para gastar durante sua viagem.
Portanto, mesmo prevendo efetuar seus gastos apenas em dinheiro, sugerimos seja sempre levado um cartão de crédito internacional para o caso de emergências. Este tipo de cartão pode facilmente ser adquirido nos bancos nacionais.

Procure sempre levar um pouco da moeda corrente de seu destino em notas pequenas para facilitar os primeiros dias da viagem. Quando possível, opte por Traveller´s Checks, pois são mais seguros e podem ser facilmente substituídos no caso de perda ou furto.
Lembre-se, sempre que sair com mais de R$ 10.000,00 (dez mil reais) ou seu equivalente em moeda estrangeira de efetuar sua declaração na alfândega.

16 de outubro de 2007

Compras - Vancouver

Guarda chuva
Se você gostar de guarda-chuvas de cores berrantes tipo verde-limão, rosa-choque ou roxo, dá pra comprar na London Drugs. Baratinho... uns CAD$18 + tax.....
Tem em varias lojas, mas nao recomendo que compre nas lojas de um dolar. Um guarda chuva meia boca aqui sai no minimo US$ 10,00. Na The bay, no centro voce encontra varios de diversos modelos, precos e tamanhos. Mas o ideal mesmo e a capa de chuva. No Metrotown voce pode encontrar algumas lojas que vendem capa de chuva.
Feira de Cloverdale
pra quem tiver carro. Tem de tudo!! desde xicaras inglesas, brecho, coisas antigas e novas, quadros, etc... E camisetas do canada??? Por 20 dolares , vc leva 8 ou 10. cada uma mais linda que a outra e malha boa!! depois de pagar 15 + txs no Mall e a malha ser quente demais, (nao usaram no brasil nem para caminhar) descobri a Feira de Cloverdale... so abre domingo e paga-se 3 dolares para entrar e la ...tem de tudo ,por mixaria.
Tudo o que voce precisar de basico como algodao, cotonete, shampoo, pasta de dente, caderno, lapis, borracha, etc... va no dolar shop. Tem alguns dolar shop que nao vendem bons cosmeticos. Em compensacao fui em alguns que vendem shampoos de marcas famosas, so que com frascos menores dos vendidos em mercado por apenas um dolar. Vale a pena e nao sao cosmeticos Made in China.
Nao comprem na Gastown, la e caro. Tem uma rua, retirada do centro, a Fraser Street, onde voce pode pegar o onibus no centro mesmo. La voce encontra Suvenirs a metade do preco ou ate menos da metade do preco. Eu desci na Fraser com a 41th street. A partir dai comecam as lojas de suvenirs. Sao lojas de atacado, e meio baguncado, mas voce encontra camisetas de Vancouver a partir de US$ 5,00 (pena que descobri isso depois de ter comprado as camisetas pra minha familia). Chaveiros bons daqueles que chegam a custar cerca de US$ 4,00 voce paga US$ 0.95. A bandeira do Canada encontrei por US$ 0,95 na loja A-Mart (Fraser Street, 6350), minha amiga comprou a mesma bandeira numa outra loja de suvenirs do centro e pagou US$ 3,50. Idem para imas de geladeira... La voce nao paga mais de US$ 1,00 para um ima de geladeira.
Perfumes importados e alguns artigos de griffe
Winners store. Fica na Granville, se nao me engano, esquina com a Robson. A loja fica em cima da Futureshop. La voce encontra alguns perfumes importados de griffe a metade do preco. A desvantagem e que voce nao encontra variedade. Ha tambem bolsas e carteiras de griffe a precos acessiveis, artigos originais.Victoria SecretsLojas La Senza, na Robson Street, no pacific Center e no shopping metrotown.Pelo que lembre e isso...
Roupa pra frio:
BTW, dica para o pessoal que quer comprar eletronico pela internet (ou pelo menos fazer comparaçao) http://www.shopbot.ca/, o site faz uma compraçao do produto em sites *canadenses*, vale a pena.
Muita coisa lá eh Refurbished... Eles também tem muito opened box, que são produtos que os clientes de outras lojas devolveram porque não gostaram mas que não possuem nenhum defeito... Alias, Refurbished tb nao possui defeito: são produtos que apresentaram pequenos defeitos, voltaram para a fabrica, foram devidamente reparados e testados e postos a venda.. Se a pessoa quiser pode comprar (baratinho) uma garantia extra de ate 3 anos e ficar tranquilo.. eles so possuem lojas em Ontario... mas vendem pelo site.. se v c tiver um cartao de credito internacional você pode comprar e receber em qualquer cidade do Canada.. é rapido e seguro..
http://www.bestbuy.ca/ (eles estão com loja nova em Vancouver)
Escolha sua cidade e clique apenas:


Granville and West Georgia Streets
Certamente o mall mais frequentado por mim, tanto para compras como para almoço ou um lanche rápido

757 West Hastings Street, Vancouver
Sinclair Centre is housed in four renovated heritage buildings. Services include a postal outlet, florist, shoe repair, travel agent, and food court. You can also find various governmental services upstairs which include a passport office and Canada Employment Centre. The Canada Customs and Revenue Agency can also be found here.Possui uma boa Praça de Alimentação, com música ao vivo, pouco conhecida pelos estudantes mas com preços muito bons tambem http://www.sinclaircentre.com/

West Cordova and Howe Street
Alem de encontrarem lojas, serviços, uma ótima Praça de Alimentação tambem, há um dos mais novos e modernos hoteis de Vancouver, o Pan Pacific Hotel e a estação waterfront station do skytrain

Howe and West Gerogia
Ao lado de onde estudei, da ELS, dando frente para a Georgia Street, passagem obrigatória de todo estudante estrangeiro,rshttp://www.pacificcentre.com/home/index.ch2
The Pacific Centre is open seven days a week so you can be sure you won’t miss out on shopping in Canada. There are three levels containing almost 200 stores thus occupying three city blocks. There is a convenient underground parking with entrances on Howe and Robson Streets. The centre also links to the The Bay, SearsDowntown and the Vancouver Centre.

Top Restaurant in Vancouver555 West Hastings Street
Alem de lojas, Praça de Alimentação boa tambem, encontrarão a SFU Boockstore (Livraria da Simon Fraser University) e o Restaurante Giratorio, ponto mais alto de Vancouver, onde tirarão fotos incríveis de toda cidade http://www.vancouverlookout.com/

West Cordova and Seymour Street
Onde se localizam os terminais do seabus , sealink e do skytrainThe Station has a departure terminal for the SeaBus, Sealink and Sky Train as well as several places for a quiet bite and hot coffee. You can also find the B.C. Business InfoCentre and the B.C. Trade Showcase.

Burrard and West Georgia StreetThe Royal Centre features about fifty stores, ranging from Marte’s Fine Leather to Giorgio’s Mens Wear. Royal Centre is not only the place to shop but is home to a 10 theatre cinema, food court, walk-in medical centre and dental clinic. This place is also helpful to cater to traveller’s needs as it provide a foreign exchange service.

Burrard and Thurlow Streets
The Bentall Shopping Centre is located under the four Bentall office skyscrapers and it offers fashion and interesting stores such as Knot Just Ties, Osterson’s Framing, and Perks. Other highlights are Tower Courts, a popular downtown fitness facility and Jean Pierre’s Restaurant. There are travel agencies, a florist, medical and dental centre, as well as dry cleaning services and hair salons. Sample a variety of ethnic cuisine in the Bentall Food Court.


by Eveline
Este é o Outlet
Queensborough Landing
805 Boyd St.
New Westminster BC

*Main Intersection:BOYD ST & HWY 91

É super fácil deachar, mas qq coisa pergunta pelo Wal-mart que vc chega com certeza!
Aliás, roupas de frio lá, compena de ganso tem preços excelentes!

Tem tambem da GUESS, ao lado da própria Guess, na Robson Street, em downtown
Tem uma loja na Robson com Grainville, tem uma placa na rua escrito "Vintage clothing", tem que descer umas escadas pra chegar la... Eh otimoooo...Tudo realmente barato e lindooo!

15 de outubro de 2007

Horários Comerciais

Geralmente, as lojas e supermercados ficam abertos das 09:00hs as 18:00hs, sendo que nas grandes cidades os supermercados funcionam das 07:30hs as 21:00hs.
Em muitos estados (dependendo das leis trabalhistas e do fluxo de turistas) as lojas abrem também aos domingos das 12:00 as 17:00hs.
As lojas varejistas abrem terça e sexta a noite até as 21:00hs enquanto que os shoppings funcionam até as 21:00 todos os dias.
Quase todos os bancos abrem de segunda a sexta das 10:00hs as 15:00hs, sendo que alguns funcionam aos sábados de manhã, mas todos fecham aos domingos e feriados.
As farmácias ficam abertas até as 23 horas, após este horário procure lojas de conveniência que ficam abertas 24 horas ou hospitais.

Gorjetas/ taxas

Gorjetas ou taxas de serviços normalmente não vêm incluidas nas notas dos restaurantes canadenses. Os níveis salariais em muitos restaurantes são baseados no preceito de que grande parte dos ganhos dos funcionários é baseado nessas gorjetas.
Se você está satisfeito com o serviço prestado, 15% (quinze por cento) de gorjeta é usual como gorjeta. Com o estabelecimento da taxa federal para bens e serviços (GST), os canadenses calculam suas gorjetas no total apurado antes dos impostos e taxas.
Alguns restaurantes cobram taxas obrigatórias de serviços em grandes festas ou eventos. Nestes casos, o garçom ou garçonete lhe avisarão isto antes mesmo de fazerem seus pedidos.
Barbeiros, costureiras e motoristas de taxi também são normalmente agraciados com gorjetas de 15%.
Carregadores, porteiros e outro similares em hotéis, aeroportos e estações de trem são geralmente agraciados com $1 (um dólar canadense) por cada volume de bagagem carregada.


Você encontrará selos nas agências de correio ou em máquinas automáticas instaladas nos aeroportos, hotéis, terminais de ônibus, lojas e bancas de jornais.
Dentro do Canadá, postais e cartas com até 30g custam CDN$ 0,46 e entre 30g e 1kg, custam CDN$ 3,75.
Correspondências e postais internacionais custam CDN$ 0,92 para até 30g e CDN$ 2,10 para até 100g.
Recebimento de correspondência no Canadá
Visitantes podem receber sua correspondência através do General Delivery, na cidade onde ficarão hospedados. A correspondência deve ser retirada num prazo máximo de 15 dias, quando então as mesmas irão retornar ao remetente.

Caça e Pesca

Na maioria das vezes você estará lidando com autoridades da Província ou Território onde pretende caçar ou pescar. Para aprender mais sobre os regulamentos, licenças necessárias e sobre a sua responsabilidade, contate o escritório de informações turísticas mais próximo de você. A maioria das lojas especializadas em caça e pesca, bem como o seu "lodge" de caça ou camping de pesca também tem todos os regulamentos para você.

Coisas para lembrar em qualquer lugar do Canadá:

  • Não é permitido caçar nos Parques Nacionais;
  • Pescar nos Parques Nacionais é permitido desde que você tenha uma licença especial para isto.

Armas de Fogo para caçar enquanto no Canadá

  • Qualquer pessoa que traga armas de fogo para o Canadá deve ter pelo menos 18 anos ou portar uma licença de porte de armas para menores de idade. Somente armas de uso não restrito podem ser trazidas para propósitos de caça. Estas armas não restritas são rifles e espingardas, normalmente designadas com armas de cano-longo que podem variar de tamanho: entre 470mm e 660mm.
  • Desde outubro de 1998, visitantes que quiserem armas emprestadas de residentes canadenses (armas licenciadas) necessitam um Licença de Posse de Arma para não residentes de 6 dias. Esta licença custa CDN$30. Para solicitar a mesma, antes de viajar para o Canadá, ligue:
  • Canadian Firemarms Centre’s Telefone: 1-800-731-4000
    Os procedimentos correntes para visitantes que querem trazer armas para o Canadá não irão mudar até janeiro de 2001. Depois desta data, visitantes devem requerer uma "Firearms Declaration" para trazer armas ao país e por esta declaração irão pagar CDN$ 50, para qualquer quantidade de armas entrando juntas. Esta taxa deve ser paga apenas uma vez por ano.
  • Quando retornarem aos seu país de origem os visitantes tem de demonstrar a alfândega canadense que estão levando as armas de volta.
  • Mais informações
    Para futuras informações acerca de procedimentos relativos a entrada de armas no Canadá, entre em contato com:
    Revenue Canada - Interdepartmental Programs, Section AConnaught Building, 5th FloorOttawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0L5
    Ou ligue para um destes telefones:
    Calgary, Alberta - (403) 292-8750
    Edmonton, Alberta - (403) 495-3400
    Halifax, Nova Scotia - (902) 426-2911
    Hamilton, Ontario - (905) 308-8715
    Moncton, New Brunswick - (506) 851-7020
    Montréal, Québec - (514) 283-9900
    Ottawa, Ontario - (613) 993-0534
    Québec, Québec - (418) 648-4445
    Toronto, Ontario - (416) 973-8022
    Vancouver, British Columbia - (604) 666-0545
    Windsor, Ontario - (519) 257-6400
    Winnipeg, Manitoba - (204) 983-6004

Informações Diversas


  • A idade mínima para consumir ou comprar bebidas alcoólicas no Canadá é de 19 anos.
    Pode-se encontrar cerveja e vinho na maioria dos supermercados enquanto que os destilados são encontrados apenas nos empórios do governo.

Bed & Breakfast

  • As acomodações denominadas Bed & Breakfast (B&B) têm se tornado mais populares no Canadá a cada ano que passa. Você poderá encontrar aqui a opção ideal para sua acomodação podendo se instalar em mansões bem localizadas nas cidades ou até mesmo em confortáveis casas de fazenda nas regiões rurais.
  • Custo médio de um quarto num Bed & Breakfast: entre $35 a $105 dólares canadenses por noite.

Festivais e Eventos

1812 AT THE FORT Kingston’s Synphony- ON
23RD ANNUAL PEI STREET ROD ASSOCIATION SHOW N' SHINE exposição de carros clássicos/ antigos - Prince Edward Island (em julho)
ANNUAL HANK SNOW TRIBUTE Centro de música country
ANTIQUES AT LANSDOWNE PARK de a The Ottawa Antiques Show - Feira de antiquário
ASSINIBOINE VALLEY RAILWAY MANITOBA - de a Come and ride our miniature train through a six-acre wooded site.
ATLANTIC BALLOON FIESTA de a More than 30 hot air balloons fill the Sussex sky twice a day (weather permitting) during this colourful fiesta. Festival includes Maritime Craft show, antique and classic car show, non-stop activities daily, parachute demonstrations, helicopter rides. Also includes a parade, opening ceremony, ribbon burning, ballon release, etc.
ATLANTIC BAND FESTIVAL Groups perform for adjudications, attend workshops and evening activities. Halifax, Nova Scotia
ATLANTIC JAZZ FESTIVAL HALIFAX de a 2001 Atlantic Jazz Festival is a 9 celebration of Jazz, World, Blues, Reggae and Cajun music with a strong focus on a fun laid back atmosphere with music for all tastes!
ATLANTIC THEATRE FESTIVAL de a Professional productions of classic theatre are on the agenda in picturesque Wolfville.
AUTUMN LEAVES JAZZ WEEKEND de a A festive weekend of live jazz in Barrie, Ontario, September 21-23, 2001. Sponsored by Kudos Productions and Central Ontario Jazz Musicians, Autumn Leaves Jazz will feature great concerts and an active club scene. Artists and venues to be announced. Check out our website: autumnleaves.ca for updated information.
BANFF MOUNTAIN FESTIVALS de a The Banff Mountain Film Festival delivers the power of mountain experiences to the big screen. Featuring the world's best mountain films and videos, the festival also includes presentations by leading mountaineers and adventurers, and adventure trade show, a mountain art and craft sale, a climbing wall and more.
BARD ON THE BEACH SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL de a Professional Shakespeare Festival presenting three plays June through September in open ended tents in Vancouver's Vanier Park. 2001: Antony
BEAT BEETHOVEN RUN de a Beat Beethoven is a unique fund-raising event for the Kingston Symphony and the Kingston Family YMCA. Everyone is challenged to beat Beethoven while running or walking the 4 or 8 km event.
BLACKBERRY FESTIVAL de a Celebrating one of BC's most delicious natural resources, the Blackberry Festival takes this unique fruit to the ultimate level.
BLUEBERRY FESTIVAL de a Sioux Lookout's Blueberry festival has been an annual event since 1983. The Festival lasts for 10 days and hosts over 100 events.
BRANTFORD INTERNATIONAL VILLAGES FESTIVAL de a Come and join us for our 27th year of multi-cultural celebration in dance, music, food, and cultural and historic displays.
BRITISH CAR DAYS de a British car and motorcycle show. British vehicles from Maritimes and New England. Offering parts market, many prizes and trophies. Three days of exciting events for show participants.
CALGARY FOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL de a The Calgary Folk Music Festival has no fear of music. It is a joyous celebration of traditional roots, musical innovation, and incredible diversity from around the globe. For four fabulous days in July, experience celtic sounds, world music, blues, bluegrass, acoustic and electric folk, roots music, alternative sounds, country, swing, and more.
CAMPBELLTON SALMON FESTIVAL de a One of the grandeur festivals in Campbellton is the Salmon Festival. This mid-summer rush for fun has much to offer persons of any age. Every year the residents of Campbellton have pre-events such as a 10km Road Race. The Mountaineers Mountain Bike Club at Sugarloaf Park, Horse Hauling contest and so forth.
CANADA DAY de a Join hundreds of thousands of Canadians gathered in Canada's Capital Region celebrating the National birthday of Canada.
CANADA DAY CELEBRATION de a Pancake Breakfast – 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. Gigantic Birthday Cake – During the Opening Ceremonies at Noon “Tartan Parade” – Starting at 1 p.m. Mass Band Tribute to Ken MacIver – Following the Parade International Clown Circus Show and Magic Tyme Magic Show – 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at the Children’s stage Tea Garden featuring Maggie Christl – 2 p.m. at the Leisure Time Club Non-stop Music, Crafters, Food, Beer Garden Spectacular Fireworks – At 10.10pm Following the Fireworks – Ceilidh on the Green, featuring Madd Paddy and Fiddler/Stepdancer Cindy Thompson
CANADA'S IRISH FESTIVAL ON THE MIRAMICHI de a The Miramichi Irish Festival Committee has put together a jam-packed entertainment package that combines our excellent homegrown talent with some of Ireland's best groups and musicians. A celebration of our culture and heritage through song,
CANADA'S NATIONAL UKRAINIAN FESTIVAL de a Canada's National Ukrainian Festival is held every August long weekend and is an internationally known cultural celebration held for three days at Selo Ukraina. The festival features music, dancing, cultural demonstrations, workshops and competitions.
CANADAS PARKS DAY AND de a Celebrate Canada's Natural and Cultural heritage on July 21,2001
CANADIAN CANOE AND KAYAK FESTIVAL de a A new festival designed to encourage people to enjoy canoeing and kayaking
CANADIAN WESTERN AGRIBITION de a Canada's premier agricultural show and marketplace, this Regina event displays some 4,000 livestock as well as a professional rodeo.
CANDLELIGHT WALKING TOUR OF HISTORIC STREETSVILLE de a Candlelight Walking Tour of Historic Streetsville
CANMORE HIGHLAND GAMES de a Full Highland Games and Ceilidh
CAPITAL MUSIC CONFERENCE de a A music conference to assist regional musicians in bringing their careers to
CARABRAM de a Brampton's Multicultural Festival featuring 12 or more different groups, each hosting a Pavilion representing their culture and heritage through song, dance, costumes, displays, food and drink and good old fashioned hospitality. A weekend of fun and learning for all ages.
CARNIVAL OF CRAFTS de a The Carnival of Crafts is one of rural Manitoba's largest craft sales, featuring over 90 exhibitors from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Quebec.
CELTIC COLOURS INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL de a The Celtic Colours International Festival will be held in communities all over Cape Breton from Out. 5-13. We present the finest Celtic performers from around the world. Celtic Colours has been named the
CHARLOTTETOWN YACHT CLUB 2001 RACE WEEK de a Experience Charlottetown Race Week. Atlantic Canada's premiere yacht racing event.
CHOCOLATE FESTIVAL de a A chocolate lover's dream come true! St. Stephen offers tours of its chocolate factory, a choctail hour and other delights.
CHRISTMAS AT THE TAYLORS de a 40,000 plus Christmas lights on an Interatctive site plus a chance to ride a 1/8 scale train through the illuminated bush.
CHRISTMAS IN STREETSVILLE de a Santa Claus parade. Musical entertainment. Refreshments, carolling, children's entertainment, business open house, public skating, meet Santa
CISCO SYSTEMS BLUESFEST de a Bluesfest is Canada's largest Blues and Gospel festival featuring world-class performers.
CKCU OTTAWA FOLK FESTIVAL de a The 8th annual festival celebrates Canada's rich folk tradition with music, dance, storytelling, and crafts.
CLOWN PARADE de a Clowns attending a local convention will parade and then entertain the crowd
COLLEGE OF PIPING CELTIC FESTIVAL de a This unique,summer-long festival offers Highland games as well as ceilidhs, a concert series and free mini-concerts staged three tmes a day during July and August.
COLLINGWOOD ELVIS FESTIVAL de a The Elvis festival this year will be bigger and better than ever this year. Festival headquarters have moved from the curling club to our Eddie Bush Memorial Arena. It's COOLER, LARGER, and centrally located! VIP
COLLINGWOOD FAMILY MUSIC FESTIVAL de a The fourth annual Collingwood Family Music will once again be held at Bygone Days Heritage Village. The event will host 11 different bands and provide 16 hours of live music begin in the morning. Overnight camping, fishing, dunk tanks and other activities will be available to entertain people of all ages. Tickets are $9 in advance and $12.50 at the gate.
COLLINGWOOD TRIATHLON de a The Collingwood Triathlon will be a fun weekend of activity for family and participants. There is always something exciting to watch. While athletes are out on the road spectators can shop in downtown Collingwood or may browse the vendor booths at the event. The proceeds from the event will be used to help support the Alpine Ontario South junior ski program. It is our goal to raise $20,000 for this cause through the Collingwood Triathlon Weekend.
CONGRÈS MONDIAL ACADIEN 2004 de a The third World Acadian Congress will be held in Nova Scotia from July 31 to August 15, 2004. The previous two congresses were held in Louisiana and New Brunswick.
DAUPHIN'S COUNTRYFEST de a Celebrate Canada's premiere country music festival. First class music entertainment is provided every year with exciting star-studded headliners. Artists such as Clint Black, Lonestar, Paul Brandt and Kenny Rogers were among the many performers at Countryfest 2000.
DEEP RIVER SUMMERFEST de a Summerfest in Deep River is back with a bang for 2002! This reunion based waterfront festival offers music, sports, activities, Airbounce and a whole lot more for every member of the family. Come on down and we'll guarentee that you will have a great August long weekend.
DISCOVERY COAST MUSIC FESTIVAL de a Located in Beautiful Bella Coola BC, this festival has provided a diverse cultural experience with acts from China ,Samoa , Africa as well as local BC talent. No alchohol or drugs. Music set in the majesty of the coast mountains.
DISCOVERY DAYS FESTIVAL de a Dawson City pays homage to the gold rush era with an array of colourful activities, including a parade, a Klondike Krunch car derby and other festivities.
DOAKTOWN SALMON de a See information under
DOCKSIDE FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS de a Muskoka's largest juried outdoor arts, craft and entertainement festival
DOWNTOWN MIRAMICHI ROCK 'N' ROLL FESTIVAL de a This is a four day festival focused around the 50's/ 60's era. Streetdances, fireworks, and a Antique Car Show are just a few events.
EDMONTON HERITAGE FESTIVAL de a The world’s largest multicultural celebration is an annual outdoor festival taking place over the August long weekend. Promoting public awareness, understanding, and appreciation for the ethno-cultural diversity and beauty that characterizes our unique international community.
EDMONTON'S KLONDIKE DAYS de a There is something magical happening at Edmonton's Klondike Days. Its all about fun, fun for the young...and the young at heart.
ELORA FESTIVAL: A CELEBRATION IN SONG de a In its 22nd season, this nationally renowned Festival presents excellent artists in a rich selection of classical, choral and popular music concerts in an idyllic village setting, a short drive from Toronto. This year`s program opens with Handel`s Oratorio,
ELVIS FEST 2001 de a A Salute to Elvis and the Legends of Rock 'n Roll.
ÉVANGELINE MUSICAL DRAMA de a Longfellow's haunting story comes alive in Church Point on Tuesdays and Saturdays throughout the summer.
EVENINGS AT THE CARRIAGE HOUSE de a Join us at The Carriage House in downtown Charlottetown for music, theatre, and lots of laughs. Great fun for everyone!
EXPLOITS VALLEY SALMON FESTIVAL de a Newfoundland's premier concert, a craft fair, stadium dances, a salmon dinner and Newfie Night are all part of the fun in Grand Falls-Windsor.
EXPOSITION AGRICOLE ET FESTIVAL ACADIEN DE LA RÉGION ÉVANGÉLINE de a Lobster suppers, parade, horse pull, woodsmen competitions, handcraft
EXTRAVAGAYZA 2002 de a Join us for Western Canada's largest Pride Celebrations.
FALL DINNER TRAIN de a Dinner is served as you ride through an aspen forest in Charleswood.
FALL RHAPSODY de a Enter a world of fresh, crisp air and vibrant colour, and take part in many exciting activities during the weekends.
FERNIE BLUES de a See below...
FESTIVAL 500 SHARING THE VOICES de a This non-competitive international choral festival, open to choirs of all styles and ranges, serves up a roster of first-class singers in St. John's, Labrador and Western Newfoundland.
FESTIVAL BY THE SEA de a More than 300 entertainers from across the nation gather in Saint John to celebrate Canadian music, dance and culture. All styles of music, dance and children's entertainment.
FESTIVAL DU VOYAGEUR de a The Festival du Voyageur is Western Canada's largest winter festival, recalling the great fur trade era when voyageurs explored the heart of Canada some 300 years ago.
FESTIVAL OF FLIGHT de a Celebrate Gander's unique aviation history at the 15th Annual Festival of Flight. With activities for young and old alike, it's no wonder we are one of Newfoundland's premiere family festivals.
FESTIVAL OF FRIENDS de a An all-Canadian national showcase of music, art, crafts, dance and kids stuff - FREE ADMISSION
FESTIVAL OF FRIENDS de a Canada's Largest FREE showcase of Canadian contemporary art and music featuring top recording artists in concert and workshops, uniquely designed arts and crafts, and childrens activities.
FESTIVAL OF THE SOUND de a The Festival of the Sound takes place each summer in Parry Sound on beautiful Georgian Bay. The 2001 season will run from July 20 to August 12.
FESTIVAL OF TREES de a In what has become THE lead-up to the holiday season, Belleville's Quinte Arts Council and The Lung Association present five days of events for all ages in a magical atmosphere created especially for the occasion.
FESTIVAL OF WORDS de a An annual literary festival celebrating language is held in July featuring activities, presenters and authors.
FESTIVAL WESTERN de a The largest western festival in the Maritimes! Five days of festivities such as a super rodeo featuring wild bulls and horses, a country show, parade, bingo and children's activities.
FOLKLORAMA de a This wonderful multicultural festival features exotic food, exhilarating entertainment and folkloric displays throughout Winnipeg in various international venues.
FRONTIER DAYS REGIONAL FAIR AND RODEO de a This Swift Current heritage event features a midway, livestock shows and sales, parades and grandstand entertainment.
FROSTBITE MUSIC FESTIVAL de a 23 years of live music north of 60, Frostbite sprang from the Whitehorse folk society into one of the territories premiere events: a unique winter festival
GIBSONS LANDING FIBRE ARTS FESTIVAL de a Gibsons Landing Fibre Arts Festival
GOVAN OLDE TYME FIDDLE FESTIVAL de a A weekend of lively fiddle music, fiddle fun, and friendship. See old friends and make new ones.
GRAND BEACH CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL de a A festival for families and children at a beautiful natural beach in Manitoba.
GREAT NORTHERN ARTS FESTIVAL de a Each summer, the town of Inuvik, Northwest Territories hosts the Great Northern Arts Festival: a phenomenal 10-day gathering of artists and performers from across the arctic and beyond.
GREAT NORTHERN EXHIBITION de a The fair features traditional agricultural displays and competitions, but also provides visitors entertainment that ranges from a demolition derby for cars and mud bog event for trucks, to a major fiddle contest, step-dancing contest and on-stage entertainers indoors and outdoors.The Great Northern Exhibition will be held at the G.N.E. fairgrounds, located just south of Blue Mountain Go-Karts on the Fairgrounds Road, just off Highway 26, east of Collingwood.
GREAT RENDEZVOUS FESTIVAL de a The annual meeting of fur-trade company employees, voyageurs and native traders is re-created at Old Fort William in Thunder Bay.
HALIFAX INTERNATIONAL BUSKER FESTIVAL de a For 11 inspired days, Halifax offers an entertainment bonanza ranging from mayhem to madness, from silliness to satire.
HALTON VALLEY MID-SUMMER CLASSIC de a A' circuit horse show featuring a $50,000 Grand Prix and a $10,000 Hunter Classic.
HARRISON FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS de a A celebration of world music, theatre, dance and visual arts featuring an indoor and an outdoor stage, art/craft market, visual art exhibit and a special day for children.
HARVEST JAZZ AND BLUES FESTIVAL de a This event brings together world-class musicians and up-and-coming Atlantic Canadian artists for five days and nights of slick jazz, gritty blues, spicy Cajun, world beat and more. There are events for all ages staged in a number of indoor and outdoor venues. Don't miss this 10th annual musical harvest!
HARVESTFEST de a This weekend celebrates everything fall with music, dancing and activities for all ages.
HEAD-SMASHED-IN BUFFALO DAYS POW-WOW AND TIPI VILLAGE de a The biggest annual event at this UNESCO World Heritage Site offers Aboriginal dance and drumming competitions as well as a traditional tepee village.
HEMPOLA FAMILY FARM FESTIVAL de a Hempola Valley Farms is hosting North America's first family farm festival right in the hemp fields. Hempola Family Farm Festival is a fun filled educational, action packed two day event targeted for people of all ages. It will offer a variety of attractions including wagon rides through the hemp fields, children's and adult concerts, arts and crafts, demonstrations of hemp-related products, hemp-related food village including pancake breakfast on both days, rock climbing. jugglers, stilt walkers, and much much more, all with a strong education component.
INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF AUTHORS de a Encounter the world's finest writers of fiction, poetry, drama and biography at the most prestigious annual literary event in the world. In 2001, the International Festival of Authors enters its 22nd year of presenting eminent writers from around the globe participating in readings, on-stage interviews, lectures and tributes, as well as signing books and mingling with audiences. Most events take place on or near the Harbourfront Centre site, on the shores of Lake Ontario in Toronto. For more information, the public should call (416)973-3000. The public can also access our web site for information www.readings.org .
JASPER HERITAGE FOLK FESTIVAL de a This ninth biennial Jasper Heritage Folk Festival is in the superb setting of a World Heritage Site and offers an unparalleled backdrop to enjoy an extravaganza of music and fair.
JAZZ CITY INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL de a Experience everything from bebop to the blues, from European new music to Latin and African dance parties, in the heart of downtown Edmonton.
JAZZ FESTIVAL - CALGARY INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL de a This celebration of jazz, blues and worldbeat music attracts fans to concerts and free downtown festivities.
KAGGIK de a Music Festival
KEMPENFEST de a 340 Art and Craft Vendors, Sport and Leisure Show, 80 Antique Dealers, The Art of Food, Midway, 2 Concert Stages
KLONDIKE ANNUAL ARTS FESTIVAL de a Annual Arts Festival featuring interactive craft workshops, displays and performances alongside the Yukon River in Dawson City, fabled home of the Klondike Gold Rush.
KOKANEE CANADA CUP MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES de a The Canada Cup is one of the major events of the mountain bike racing calendar. Fernie Alpine Resort and Kokanee are pleased to host the top riders from across Canada for this event which includes cross country, dual slalom and downhill races on July 14
LA FOIRE BRAYONNE de a Internationally renowned, this popular festival offers three main activities: concerts, cultutral activities and sports events. Since it's creation, the Foire Brayonne has quickly occupied an important place in the hearts of Brayons and Brayonnes, as one of the most exciting summer events celebrating their heritage, culture and joie de vivre. Recognized as a cultural birthplace, the biggest Francophone festivals outside Québec, is one of the most vibrant and dynamic cultural manifestations in New Brunswick.
LE FESTIVAL ACADIEN DE CARAQUET de a Huge cultural party in Caraquet featuring concerts, exhibitions, diverse activities celebrating the vitality of the Acadian culture. Includes Blessing of the Fleet.
LINDSAY RIVERFESTIVAL de a One heck of a weekend with something for everyone. More ways to have fun....
LUNENBURG FOLK HARBOUR FESTIVAL de a The best traditional in contemporary folk music, dance and lore are presented in the heart of this UNESCO World Heritage town.
MAHONE BAY WOODEN BOAT FESTIVAL de a Mahone Bay showcases its martime heritage with displays, races, boat-building demos, entertainment and food.
MANITOBA FALL FAIR de a Manitoba's largest livestock show and sale, Brandon's biggest Fall Trade Show with over 300 exhibits on display, Manitoba Rodeo Cowboys Association Finals, Annually attracts 40,000 patrons, held the first weekend of November.
MANITOBA STAMPEDE AND EXHIBITION de a One of Canada's largest rodeos also boasts an agricultural fair, exhibits and a giant midway, all happening in Morris.
MANITOBA SUNFLOWER FESTIVAL de a Altona, Canada's Sunflower Capital, stages a parade, baseball tournaments and other exciting events for visitors of all ages.
MARKDALE ICE CREAM FESTIVAL de a Markdale Ontario is home to Chapman's Ice Cream and our Ice Cream Festival is held annually on the August Civic Holiday long weekend. Our family event is time well spent.
MARKHAM JAZZ FESTIVAL de a A three-day festival presenting a wide variety of jazz artists including a vocal group, bebop, swing, blues and contemporary.
MATTAWA VOYAGEUR DAYS de a This four-day festival is jam packed with various events for all ages. Highlights include a parade, fireworks, professional children's entertainer, and three evenings of great music from New Country to Classic Rock.
MERRICKVILLE CANALFEST de a Merrickville Canalfest is a festival celebrating the Rideau canal and the heritage of Merrickville.
MILITARY TATTOO de a Thrill to the sounds of pipes and drums and Regimental Bands.
MILNER GARDENS AND WOODLAND de a This exquisite estate provides an opportunity to experience a large, established garden and woodlands of singular charm and artistic and historical significance.
MIRAMICHI EXHIBITION de a Established in 1903, provides a forum for products of the farm, garden
MIRAMICHI FOLK SONG FESTIVAL de a Longest standing festival celebrating authentic, traditional and contemporary music, starting on New Brunswick Day each year. Breakfast, open air concert, noon luncheons with live music, childrens show. Five days of wonderful folk music and a special multicultural night.
MOTIF 2001 de a Motif is the Moose Jaw Multicultural Council's annual festival. It is a three-day multicultural festival held in an outdoor setting at Moose Jaw's Happy Valley Park. This festival provides an opportunity for many different cultures to come together and share their cultural background by providing food, dance, music, and artwork for the general public to experience. New to the festival is the children's
MUMZ 'N CRAFT de a A brand new event that blends the vibrant 80-year horticultural tradition of the Chrysanthemum Show and the family fun of Pumpkinfest with the excitement of the Winter Festival of Friends.
NANAIMO MARINE FESTIVAL de a An abundance of family
NELSON SUMMER SONGFEST de a Educational Programs for Singers and Pianists and public concerts for the general public featuring faculty and students
NESS CREEK MUSIC FESTIVAL de a The 11th Annual Ness Creek Music Festival will be held July 19-22/01, 20 km NE of Big River, Saskatchewan. Music for every age; folk to funk. Northern Lights. Free camping included in weekend pass.
NESS CREEK MUSIC FESTIVAL de a Ness Creek is held annually near Big River, SK, nestled in the beautiful Boreal Forest. The dates for 2001 are July 19th-22nd. Activities for Young and Old, Music Ranging from Folk to Funk - World Beat to Bluegrass. Free camping (Rustic!) included in Weekend Pass. Seniors Free on Sunday, Children 12 and under Free!
NEW BRUNSWICK HIGHLAND GAMES de a Scottish culture takes over Fredericton, with pipe bands, Highland dancing, Celtic entertainment, concerts and more.
NEW BRUNSWICK SUMMER MUSIC FESTIVAL 2001! de a Our eighth annual festival is already being planned, and each year we try to do something new and exciting, this year being no different! The New Brunswick Summer Music Festival has always provided a wonderful opportunity for New Brunswickers to enjoy performances by internationally aclaimed Canadian musicians, and provides a showcase for emerging Canadian musical talent as well! This year we are very excited to be brining you the same standard of quality we have had in the past seven years! Check out our Web site for new and upcoming news!!!
NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR FOLK FESTIVAL de a The Royal Canadian Mint is issuing a sterling silver 50-cent coin to celebrate the Newfoundland and Labrador Folk Festival -- one of only 13 Canadian events to be so honoured. The 25th annual festival will be held in Bannerman Park in downtown St. John's. A family-oriented affair; 11:30 p.m. will see people from 5 to 85 dancing in front of the stage. Close to hotels and B-
NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR FOLK FESTIVAL de a Marking it's 25th. anniversary, this St. John's festival promotes and preserves the province's cultural traditions through music, dance and crafts.
NORTH LANARK HIGHLAND GAMES de a A full day of pipe bands, highland dancers, athletic events, mini games for kids, Highland cattle display, Scottish concessions and a Ceilidh.
NOVA SCOTIA INTERNATIONAL AIR SHOW de a Featuring the Snowbirds Aerobatic Jet Team, the Northern Lights Jet Team and the Sky Hawks Parachute Team plus many more flying demonstrations. In addition to a four-hour air show, this event at Datmouth's Shearwater Airport features numerous aircraft exhibits, an Aerospace Technology Exhibition, a Lifestyle Exhibition and much, much more.
NOVA SCOTIA'S GEM de a A fossil, gem and jewellery show and sale, demonstrations, lectures and field trips are all featured at this annual event in Parrsboro.
NOW, THEN de a Eight concerts showcasing music by women composers from the Middle Ages to the present
OKTOBERFEST de a Eat, drink and be merry in Kitchener-Waterloo, the scene of the biggest Bavarian festival outside Germany.
OKTOBERFEST IN LUNENBURG de a Dinner, Dance and Entertainemt
OTTAWA CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT SERIES de a A 15-concert series featuring chamber music of the highest international calibre.
OTTAWA FRINGE FESTIVAL® de a Embark on the fifth edition: 2001: A Fringe Audacity! The Ottawa Fringe Festival from June 22- July 1 2001, features over 250 performances right in downtown Ottawa.
OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL de a The world's largest chamber music festival features an enormous variety of concerts, presented in an informal setting in some of downtown Ottawa's most beautiful heritage churches. The year 2001 showcases 106 concerts over a two week time span with over 200 of the finest musicians performing from across Canada and around the world.
PANCANADIAN WORDFEST: BANFF-CALGARY INTERNATIONAL WRITER'S FESTIVAL de a From October 10-14, PanCanadian WordFest: Banff-Calgary International Writers Festival brings international, national and local writers to book-lovers for readings, panel discussions, youth educational activities and special events. Call WordFest at 403-294-7462.
PEI INTERNATIONAL SHELLFISH FESTIVAL de a A celebration of PEI shellfish, including oysters, mussels and clams. Featuring the Polar Foods International Eastern Canadian Oyster Shucking Championships, the Great Paderno Chowder Challenge, traditional island entertainment and lots more.
PEI STORYTELLING FESTIVAL de a In Charlottetown, storytellers from the island and around the world weave magic from different cultures and different eras, with workshops and a gala evening.
PERTH FAIR de a An agricultural fair presenting the past, present, and future in agriculture and fun.
PERTH GARLIC FESTIVAL de a The ORIGINAL eastern Ontario Garlic Festival featuring local and Ontario grown garlic, local produce, entertainment and eastern Ontario artisans.
POLAR BEAR EXPRESS de a A breathtaking journey to the northern frontier awaits passengers aboard this train, which travels through the wilderness from Cochrane to Moosonee.
POLKAFEST de a Polkas, Waltzes, Fox Trots
PORT COLBORNE SIZZLIN' SUMMER de a Sizzlin' Summer is a multi-festival event held in Port Colborne Ontario. The signature events include Sunsplash 2001 with concerts and beach volley ball, Tall Ships Challenge, where you can take a step back in time and tour and ride a tall ship, and Canal Days where you can explore the marine tradition of Port Colborne. There is also a online contest that you can enter to win everything from a Ride on a Tall Ship, to VIP Packages to a getaway weekend at Sherkston Shores. There is no cost to enter.
POWELL RIVER FALL FAIR de a Community Fall Fair
POWELL RIVER SEAFAIR de a Celebrating our West Coast lifestyle, the Powell River Seafair is a great event to enjoy the spirit of BC's west coast.
PRIVATEER DAYS de a Historically based festival that strives to recreate the privateering era with a historical reenactment, a historic trial, a downtown festival,children's games
RED RIVER EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION de a Featuring midway, agricultural exhibits, children's entertainers, fireworks and a mix of free shows, this is Winnipeg's biggest summer event.
RHYTHMS OF THE WORLD de a A series of weekend festivals that incorporates music, film, fashion, dance, theatre, cuisine, crafts, workshops and more.
RIDEAU RECFEST de a The third annual Rideau RecFest and the Great Inner Tube Races return bigger and better in Smiths Falls Ontario on July 14th, 2001. There are now 5 categories of Inner Tube competitions and great family entertainment on land such as the Ottawa Senators Caravan and a Car
RIK BARRON'S KID'S CEILIDH de a Various locations across PEI. An hour of friendly folk music and fun. Get your toes tappin' and your hands clappin' with this great children's entertainer.
ROCK CITY WOMEN'S FEST de a The National Capital Region's answer to Lilith Fair and other popular summer celebrations of women's music.
ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR de a Showcase of Canada's agriculture industry, classic horse show featuring equestrian and heavy horse events. Attracts over 132,000 patrons over the six day event, over 350 Commercial exhibits on display which is held the last week of March.
ROYAL RED ARABIAN HORSE SHOW de a Set at Regina's Exhibition Park, the Canadian National Arabian and Half-Arabian Horse Show presents the best of the breed from North America and beyond.
ROYAL ST. JOHN'S REGATTA de a North America's oldest continuing sporting event, going strong at 175 years, features a series of fixed-seat rowing races and a huge garden party.
SALMON ARM ROOTS AND BLUES FESTIVAL de a Forty acts from around the world over three days. Includes blues, celtic, gospel and world music. Four day time stages (including a family stage), one evening main stage, crafts, food and childrens activities in the centre of Salmon Arm (in the interior of British Columbia)www.safms.org
SAM SLICK DAYS de a Fun for the whole family, in Windsor, NS
SARNIA'S 31ST ANNUAL ANTIQUE SHOW de a Twenty dealers from across Ontario present a wide variety of antiques.
SASKATOON INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL de a This explosive theatrical adventure features more than 40 troupes from around the world at several indoor and outdoor venues.
SASKTEL SASKATCHEWAN JAZZ FESTIVAL de a 2001 Festival performers include Buddy Guy, Ronnie Hawkins, Molly Johnson, New Deal, Metalwood, Rockin Highliners, John Pizzarelli and more. Concerts in Saskatoon, Regina and North Battleford.
SHAKESPEARE ON THE SASKATCHEWAN FESTIVAL de a Two Shakespeare plays and a musical revue in repertory, as well as a free showcase are staged on the Saskatchewan River in Saskatoon
SHAW FESTIVAL de a Marking it's 40th anniversary, this celebrated festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake stages comedies, drames and musicals by Shaw and his contemporaries.
SHEDIAC LOBSTER FESTIVAL de a This deep-sea delicacy is celebrated with a lobster eating contest, daily lobster suppers, a giant parade and live music.
SHEEP SHEARING FESTIVAL de a Watch as 100 sheep lose their fleece at Warm
SIGNAL HILL TATTOO de a An Historical Animation Program featuring the Royal Newfoundland Companies and Royal Regiment of Artillery. Each Wed, Thu, Sat and Sun at 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM weather permitting
SINKING OF HMCS CAPE BRETON de a British Columbia’s next artificial reef will be placed Saturday, October 20th, 2001 off Nanaimo, BC.
SOUTH SHORE EXHIBITION de a One of the largest agricultural fairs in Nova Scotia. Livestock Displays
SPRING FOCUS ON THE ARTS de a What is the coming of Spring in Quinte without a celebration of the arts? It's been a tradition here for years: visual arts, music, dance, theatre, heritage, crafts and more.
ST. MARYS STONETOWN HERITAGE FESTIVAL de a Town of St. Marys Stonetown Heritage Festival; A fun, cultural celebration of the remarkable limestone and Victorian architecture in our beautiful small town which is nestled in a valley of the Thames River. (Over 120 stone structures) (The town of St. Marys is 15 minutes west of the world class theatre at Stratford Festival, between Stratford and London, Ontario, just off highway 7.) St. Marys is the home of the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.
STAR CHALLENGE DANCESPORT COMPETITION de a It is a celebration of achievemnt in the field of dancesport
STEP DANCE AND FIDDLE FESTIVAL de a A week long celebration of Step Dancing and Fiddling
STREET PERFORMERS FESTIVAL de a The laughs are on us as the 17tn Annual Street Performers Festival hits town July 6-15. Enjoy a wonderful assortment of offbeat entertainment with the world's best street performers as they transform downtown Edmonton into a colourful urban circus. Choose from over 100 shows every day in the arts district and various malls - and discover magic, music, street theatre and clowning around. Or follow the performers from the street to the stage for indoor variety shows guaranteed to be outrageous fun.
STREETSVILLE'S CANDLELIGHT CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS AND FIREWORKS de a Music, entertainment, clowns, food, official celebrations, fireworks.
SUMMERFOLK MUSIC de a Summerfolk 2001
SUNSHINE COAST FESTIVAL OF THE WRITTEN ARTS de a Canadian authors gather at the beautiful Rockwood Centre in Sechelt to share their work through readings and lively storytelling.
SUNSHINE MUSIC FESTIVAL de a The Sunshine Music Festival is celebrating 19 years of entertainment in the community of Powell River.
SURREY HYDRANGEA BLOSSOM FESTIVAL de a Surrey Hydrangea Blossom 4th Annual Festival - August 25th, 2001
TARTAN PARADE de a Part of Collingwood's Festival for Canada Day, this event offers pipe
TASTE OF CALGARY de a Calgary's festival of fabulous food and distinguishing drinks is back! Taste of Calgary returns to the Festival Market @ Eau Claire August 09 – 12 with sensational samples from Calgary’s finest and most unique restaurants and beverage companies.
TASTE OF FERNIE 2001 de a See below...
TERRY FOX RUN de a The Terry Fox Run is the largest single day fundraising event for cancer research in the world. More than 1.2 million people in more than 52 countries participate in this event. There are more that 1,100 run sites in Canada alone.
THE 54TH ANNUAL WINTERAMA de a Winterama is the longest running winter carnival in Ontario. Come and join the experience.
THE ATLANTIC FILM FESTIVAL de a The 21st Atlantic Film Festival is a major international film festival. Each September, a growing number of film fans join industry delegates from across the country and beyond to enjoy an engaging collection of short and feature length films from Canada and around the world. This year’s Festival will take place September 14-22, 2001, in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
THE BIG ART THING de a A self-guided tour to the studios of 27 Muskoka artists and craftspeople.
THE CASINO DE HULL SOUND OF LIGHT de a International pyromusical (fireworks synchronized to music) competition featuring some of the best teams/ countries in the world
THE CATENA NETWORKS HOPE VOLLEYBALL BEACHFEST de a The Catena Networks HOPE Volleyball BeachFest isn't just the world's biggest beach volleyball tournament. It's as much action as you can handle in one day. It's amazing bands. It's hanging out with your friends and a bunch of other people's friends. And it's all for local charities. With 1,000 teams competing,
THE CHARLOTTETOWN FESTIVAL de a Home to Anne of Green Gables - The Musical, Canada's longest running family musical.
THE COLLINGWOOD HORSE SHOWS de a Since its inception in 1986, the Collingwood Horse Shows have grown to be eastern Canada's largest outdoor shows in resort country where holiday fun and horse show competition go hand in hand. Spectators come to watch top-level hunter and jumper action, peruse the trade fair, enjoy the licensed areas and children's activities all near a backdrop of the famous Blue Mountain and the picturesque waters of Georgian Bay.
THE EDMONTON INTERNATIONAL STREET PERFORMERS FESTIVAL de a The World's best street performers transform the city into a colourful circus with music, street theatre and clowning around.
THE GRAND! de a Free Outdoor Concert
THE INDIAN RIVER FESTIVAL de a World-class musicians perform an eclectic mix of classical, choral and Celtic music at historic St. Mary's Church.
THE MERRITT MOUNTAIN MUSIC FESTIVAL de a The Merritt Mountain Music Festival July 19 - 22, 2001. Canada's
THE NOVA SCOTIA INTERNATIONAL TATTOO de a The Tattoo is one of the world's largest, annual indoor shows. It's exciting, fun-filled entertainment for the entire family and it's different every year. The performance includes pipes and drums, marching bands, comedy, singing, dancing, and much more.
THE PEAK OF CHRISTMAS de a The Peak of Christmas is a magical celebration of the holiday season at Vancouver’s biggest attraction, Grouse Mountain. Just 15-minutes from downtown, the Skyride takes visitors to the snow-covered mountaintop, where a spectacular winter wonderland unfolds with daily festive activities.
THE STAN ROGERS FOLK FESTIVAL de a Canso honours a great Canadian songwriter with a fest of Celtic, swing, blues and other music.
THE STIRLING FESTIVAL THEATRE INC. de a The SFT is dedicated to the presentation of the finest family-oriented professional entertainment.
THE WINNIPEG FOLK FESTIVAL de a Lots of music, a craft tent, eclectic food, and fun for children make this event a globe-trottin' musical vacation, no passports needed.
THE WINNIPEG FRINGE THEATRE FESTIVAL de a Offering some of the most exciting new theatre anywhere, more than 100 theatre companies fill the schedule from noon to midnight daily.
THEATRE COLLINGWOOD de a Theatre Collingwood has four great shows on this year! Salt Water Moon : Runs the Month of June and is written by David French Blithe Sprit: Runs The Month of July and is written by Noel Coward The Perils of Persephone : Runs July through August and is written by Dan Needles Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii : Runs the month of August and is written by Allan Stratton
THEATRE COLLINGWOOD 2001 SUMMER SEASON OF SUPERB COMEDY de a Theatre Collingwood presents Salt-Water Moon by David French June13-23. Blithe Spirit, by Noel Coward July 3-14. Perils of Persephone by Dan Needles July 24-Aug 4. Nurse Jane Goes To Hawaii by Allan Stratton.
THORNHILL VILLAGE FESTIVAL de a Enjoy craft stalls, a parade, street entertainment, a children's area, and refreshments.
TORONTO FRINGE FESTIVAL de a The Fringe: Toronto's Theatre Festival presents its 13th annual theatre extravaganza featuring an astounding 103 (!) independent theatre companies from Ontario, across Canada and around the world performing over 750 shows in 8 indoor venues in the Annex neighbourhood and Fashion District of Toronto. There will be 8 Bring Your Own Venue productions and the return of the nightly Cabaret Series at the Fringe Club, the third annual 24 Hour Playwrighting Contest, and the KidsVenue which will be programmed with 7 plays exclusively for families and children from 5-15 years of age.
TOWNSHIPPERS' DAY de a An annual celebration since Townshippers’ Association was founded in 1979, Townshippers’ Day is hosted by a different municipality of the Eastern Townships each year. The event provides a great opportunity for the host municipality to showcase its unique character and to welcome as many as 12 000 visitors.
TRACADIE MUSSEL de a Delicious seafood, entertainment, sport
TRIAL OF LOUIS RIEL de a This Regina event is a re-enactment of the trial of Louis Riel, who led the Métis people in the North West Resistance of 1885.
UNISONG de a Music Festival
UNISONG de a Music Festival
URBAN MUSIC FESTIVAL de a Annual celebration of urban music
URBAN MUSIC FESTIVAL - CANADA de a The annual celebration of positive urban music
VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL DANCE FESTIVAL de a The Vancouver International Dance Festival presents works by Vancouver, national, and international dance companies combined with workshops in dance, films and discussion forums.
VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL de a Some of the biggest names in the music biz take centre stage at venues around the city for ten days of jazz, blues, worldbeat, Latin and more.
VICTORIA PLAYHOUSE FESTIVAL de a Housed in an intimate heritage theatre, this festival celebrates Maritime culture with professional repertory theatre, comedy, storytelling and concerts.
VIRDEN AGRICULTURAL FAIR de a This annual event includes a variety of activities and events for people of all ages. Agriculture activities include a beef show, horse show, and livestock judging.
VIRDEN INDOOR RODEO de a Enjoy the fast-paced action of popular rodeo events including bull riding, steer wrestling and barrel racing all in the comforts of an indoor arena.
WALKING TOUR OF HISTORIC STREETSVILLE de a Walking Tour of Historic Streetsville
WALKING TOUR OF HISTORIC STREETSVILLE de a Walking Tour of Historic Streetsvile
WALKING TOUR OF HISTORIC STREETSVILLE de a Walking Tour of Historic Streetsville
WALKING TOUR OF HISTORIC STREETSVILLE de a Walking Tour of Historic Streetsville
WATERSHED FESTIVAL de a The Watershed Festival was started to bring awareness to and raise money for the people afflicted with e.coli in Walkerton, Ontario
WESTERNER DAYS FAIR de a Held in Red Deer, central Alberta's largest fair and exposition features a midway, free concerts, a casino and multi-breed livestock shows.
WIARTON WILLIE FESTIVAL de a 02 02 02 - that's when it all happens!!!
WIND ODYSSEY: SOUND AND LIGHT ON PARLIAMENT HILL de a Wind Odyssey: Sound and Light on Parliament Hill is a dynamic new show illuminating Parliament Hill. The winds transport the audience from coast to coast, witnessing the growth of our nation, celebrating Canada's pride in being stewards of peace and looking forward to our dreams and future.
WINDSOR THEATRE FESTIVAL de a Join us for the Windsor Theatre Festival 2001. On the waterfront at the Windsor Civic Terrace located across from Casino Windsor and the Chrysler Theatre at the Cleary International Center.
WINTER FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS de a An explosion of lights turns Niagara Falls and surrounding areas into a fairytale image.
WOMEN'S VOICES FESTIVAL de a The Women's Voices Festival is a three day outdoor festival created by women ENTIRELY for women. The festival celebrates women at every level of accomplishment in music, comedy and the arts.
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SAND SCULPTURE COMPETITION de a The best Master Sand Sculptors compete in Solo, Doubles and Team competitions for the title of World Champion.